LIT is a grassroots community-based program that operates as an after school non-profit organization located on the corner of Lamb and Washington in East Las Vegas. LIT is free to join and there are no requirements except student members being the first in their family to graduate from college and completing all requirements while in program. Students start as high school freshman and are part of the program for their entire high school career. Students then continue in Postsecondary Programming four years after high school graduation and are considered Alumni eight years after high school graduation.
During the 2022-2023 school year LIT will be expanding to an additional locations in Historic Westside at the Choice Business Group/NV Partners . LIT is grateful to scale impact and expand to empower more students and families in our Southern Nevada community.
During the 2022-2023 school year LIT will be expanding to an additional locations in Historic Westside at the Choice Business Group/NV Partners . LIT is grateful to scale impact and expand to empower more students and families in our Southern Nevada community.
Whole Family Approach
LIT uses an assets-based mindset with our families and our community. Hear from our families themselves:
Mr. Bueno father of Leader Martin
Cohort 7 & Rancho HS Senior |
Sibling pair Leader Rafael & Leader Nicole
Cohort 4 & Reed College Junior & Cohort 6 & UNR Freshman |
Proud young mom Leader Adrianna
Cohort 2 & UNLV Senior |
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